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10th January 2018
New Year, New Me! Lose 10kg! Save more money! Travel the world!
New Year’s resolutions; we’ve all heard of them and most of us have probably set a few for 2018. Quite often, after a few weeks, we can lose focus and our goals can become next year’s problem as we decide that cardio really isn’t that fun, or our money looks better hanging in the wardrobe than in our bank account.
Here at Travel Money NZ we want to keep you on track for these goals, especially if they involve saving to travel!
Think of this as your Travel Money Fitness plan – a holistic guide for turning that money flab into money fab!
- 1x Travel Money Card
- 1x Plan to travel overseas (feel free to have more than one here)
How to use this workout:
We recommend getting travel money fit as soon as you have booked your holiday. Just a few minutes every week in the lead up to your holiday will ensure your travel funds are fit and ready to help you explore the world.
Our 5 step approach will ensure you travel fund meets all aspects of those financial #fitspo goals.
1.Scavenge and sell
Remember that leftover currency from your last trip - those notes that you didn’t get to exchanging and are now floating around in your wallet, suitcase or in between the cushions of your couch? Time to get that heart rate up and go on a currency hunt!
Once you have collected all your leftover currency power walk in to your nearest Travel Money NZ Store where you can sell back your notes or exchange them for your new currency!
2.Out of sight out of mind
In the same way that having chocolate in the house can tempt you to sway from your diet (almonds are just as delicious… right?) having travel savings in your account can tempt you to spend them elsewhere. Every time that pay check comes in, transfer your allocated travel savings to your travel money card. Now you won’t be tempted by online sales and your travel money is all loaded and ready for when you leave! This also allows you to lock in the exchange rate, so if your currency drops you won’t have to stress.
3.Stay Alert
Whilst having a Travel Money currency card is essential, you can’t beat having some cash in your back pocket…
Life is busy, we get that. In between getting 8 hours of sleep, making your dollar dollar bills, walking the dog, catching up with friends and planning your holiday it is hard to know what your preferred currency is doing. So, instead of waking up 10 minutes early to catch the foreign currency segment on the morning news, just sign up for currency alerts and be notified when it is the best time to purchase. More sleep + more money = more energy and funds to plan an incredible holiday!
4.Self Defence
Protect yourself and your money overseas by investing in travel insurance as soon as you have booked your holiday. Quite often you can’t stop something bad from happening overseas, however you can ensure your self-defence skills (aka your travel insurance) are finely tuned and ready at a moment’s notice.
Can’t decide whether your policy needs more of a karate kick or a Takewondo takeover? Have no fear; your self-defence/insurance experts are ready at any of our stores.
5.Wise up
Knowledge is power, especially when heading to a foreign country for the first time. Do plenty of research on your destination, its currency and the customs. Don’t stress though, there is no need to waste time trawling the net, we’ve got nifty destination guides bursting with money saving tips and tricks here.
Think of our destination guides as the pre-workout to your holiday. Not only will they prepare your mind and body, they will get your blood pumping and ready to explore your new destination.
So there you have it, 5 very easy tips to keep your travel saving goals on track.
Keen on some more info? Head in store, where any of our friendly consultants are more than happy to run you through their travel money workout guides
This blog is provided for information only and does not take into consideration your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information and suggestions contained in any blog entry are appropriate for you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. While we take reasonable care in providing the blog, we give no warranties or representations that it is complete or accurate, or is appropriate for you. We are not liable for any loss caused, whether due to negligence or otherwise, arising from use of, or reliance on, the information and/or suggestions contained in this blog.